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Thank you so much for responding! You encountered my biggest fear with the ending - it doesn't really work if the player isn't aware it is coming. That means if I develop this game further, I need to find a way to present that better so I don't have to stick a notice whenever someone plays the game. Or maybe the idea inherently doesn't work for some people, not sure. I think it feels too much like a bug, or something is broken. Maybe I should add a prompt in the game to turn the phone off and walk away from the relationship. 

Everything else you mentioned are all great ideas I would have loved to address but didn't have the time in the 48 hour time limit, especially just adding more story and depth overall. 

It's not sure how to do some of that. I like the idea of never breaking the text window. Especially inner dialogue. Do you do a "texting dream" sequence where the main character texts herself about her feelings? That could be interesting. 

No, you didn't go overboard at all! Thanks so much! I am not sure if I'm going to work on this anymore, but if I do I'm going to be sure to work off your comment. 


I'm glad I was able to help! If you do further develop this game I hope it works out well, if not, I'll support your other games :) 

Thank you very much! I do appreciate it.