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I have so much love for this demo. It's full of life, gorgeous design, lots of NPCs to interact with and be bamboozled by and an all-round great little battle and item system.

That's not to say there aren't things that can be improved upon of course, I had an issue equipping and using items at one point, although whenever I have a problem with a game I usually put it down to my own stupidity and not the interface!

It was really fun to walk around this little world, fighting off bad guys and building up my healthy supply of money (I'm rich, I tells ya, rich!). I'm waiting for the Kickstarter with bated breath and I'm 99.9999999% confident that whatever target the devs set will be well and truly smashed (they have my backing for sure)!

So get this demo downloaded, marvel at the awesome old-school adventure game style, laugh at the funny interactions with the townsfolk and be outright entertained!