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Other than having a killer name, CYBER MORGUE (!) is a really interesting VN that explores the trappings of fame, plastic surgery, vanity, and a little medical malpractice to boot as well. It's an interesting concept that had a plot that slowly came together as I played it.  I think this game manages to fit quite a lot into its story for a game developed in a week, which is quite a feat! 

I think my favourite thing about this story is the environmental storytelling during the introduction to the game in its point-and-click phase. Whilst players might be a bit uncertain about not having a formal introduction, I do like how the objects in that part of the game really told a story in themselves. It's a great way to get a player hooked into knowing what happened beforehand. 

There are a lot of creative VN storytelling devices here that illustrate you have a lot of talent and know how to break out of the cookie-cutter VN mold. I really like the use of the social media element and calendar to tell part of the story and also break up the face-to-face parts of dialogue too. This also made a lot of sense as it reflected the vanity and the self-consuming nature of Dante.

I think there's a lot to be proud of here and I hope that you are or will work towards a longer-form VN because you certainly have the storytelling skills and game mechanics to pull something compelling off! 

Thanks for submitting CYBER MORGUE (I still can't get over the name) to the SCREAM MACHINE jam!