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(1 edit)

Pros and cons are down below) Check out the game here:


1. The figure in the forest is terrifying. I like that it is so subtle that it takes you time to notice. Very nice feature.

2. I like that you can wander around the island, so it's not simple linear experience but a bit more interesting concept.

3. The sounds were scary! A bit obnoxious at the lighthouse but at the start completely terrifying!


1. The main character is sooo slow. I wish the island would be smaller or Izzy faster. It would take less time to finish the game but would be way more enjoyable on the other hand.

2. The text is very slow. A bit faster maybe?

3. Found a bug when you get stuck at the lighthouse if you walk a bit further at the top (you can see that in the vid)


the game is nice, it creates sense of dread and I like hoe the story turned out. But the game feels raw. Maybe a bit more polish and it would be a strong five star experience. But for now only 4 for me.

Hope my feedback was useful!