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Quick question to you guys; do y’all know that there’s an MGM 2?

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yep! sometimes we post girls we've made on it here! sadly, it's not on itch...

I really hope Ghoulkiss eventually does add it, but I doubt it. It’d be a lot of work to transfer it.

yeah... but we should be happy that they made a second one!

I definitely am. Her art is spectacular.

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Also, pretty unrelated, but I was wondering, like, what’s going on in this comment section? Like, I get that there’s a whole hierarchy and stuff, but um, no offense, it feels a bit hurtful? Like, the whole idea of MGM is to bring people who like to make characters and stuff together, but this spammer stuff seems to drag everyone down. I’m sorry if that’s rude in any way, I’m not trying to be, but it just feels that way.

i apologize for this but its the only way to clearly Express how i feel about that

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Hm? The image doesn’t show.

Oh nevermind, it showed up. downloads for later use

is that wallace

Uhhh idk i got it from ny friend


bc it looks like wallace

like from scott pilgrim vs. the world

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yeah, but we just want everyone to agree on how this comment section runs.

super sorry for any inconveniences i've caused you

yeah it sucks sometimes


i love the simplicity!

how do i change my picture so i don't have the frog???

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