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game was amazing! If you don't mind me asking, what program(s) did you use to make it? I've been wanting to make a game in a similar style to this for a while. I'm dyslexic and have trouble reading large walls of text, so I could never find what I was looking for. If you'd rather not say, I completely understand! You did a great job here, keep up the awesome work!


While the devs didn't reply yet, I can provide an answer to what it was made with:

Ren'py. Originally a Visual Novel program, but it requires one to learn a programing language specifically for it, sadly.

And I hope your dyslexia will get better. And that more people will write less blocks of text and with pauses, like I did.

Still good luck if you ever plan to make a game yourself and stay safe :)


Yes, it's RenPy. Its actually quite easy to learn actually. Good for people with Dyslexia, like my self :)