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(1 edit) (+1)

new challenge: make your favorite social media platform (this includes and stuff like it) as a monster girl/boy/enbie! remember to write what you made into a MGC (example: "i made instagram", or "i turned discord into a cute girl".)

example: reddit-chan! (y e sss memes are life)


Deleted post

yeah... i just went with it, since it seemed like a fun thing to do. i guess you don't have to do your favorite if you don't have one, so you could choose from the endless amounts of social media platforms to create into an MGC!


I love your Reddit. Here’s my Twitter 


I just stared looking at reddit :>

so uh i have no favorite social app but i liked a lot until you has to pay for it >:(

oh, nice!

Deleted 4 years ago


oh no

i like the girl

but... you...



Also tiktok is anti-LGBTQ people >:(

( they remove LGBTQ content and say that LGBTQ things are" Offensive "  )

tik tok is not welcome here, as we are the queerest of queer.

wow thats mean why'd they do that >:(

idk, because some people are ignorant twats?

If you wanna read more about this then here is a thing about it

thanks for the 

i n f o r m a t i o n

i had to delete that, my mistake 

It's WHAT!???????


Yo I LOVE your Reddit design omg <3


thanks dude!
