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sense no one is answering my questen i did this

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It has been 5 hours 

Cool, sometimes people feel like they DON'T actually feel like answering you, and in case you haven't noticed this is NOT your comment section so calm down

ok i'm sorry

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That we all have lives outside of this site and even though i refresh the page every hour or so, I'll make this bold and slanted so you understand

You are not entitled to have us answer every post you make, if we don't WANT to  then we aren't gonna do it, do you understand 

*tries to high five you but ends up akwardly waving hand around in the air*

*realizes what's going on and attempts high five*

*lowers hand and gets gently slapped in the face by you, who was trying to high five me back*

*stands there awkwardly with my hand in the air because i thought you were trying to high five me and now i feel like the biggest twat here*

*sits down, curls up, and weeps silently while still keeping my hand in the air, ready to become the reciprocal of a poorly circulated high five from the biggest twat here*

*gental head pats*

OK OK!!!! i'm sorry