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Second Barn problems

A topic by Sunjean created Apr 18, 2020 Views: 198 Replies: 6
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Got this bug earlyer today before the new patch:

I sold my animals - moved my barns - and tryed to buy new animals.

I could fill up my old barn, but now the newest barn show red. I cant add animals to it anymore.  

I didnt report it, because i figuered since it was patchday today it would fix itself after patch. It didnt.

This is how it looks when i try to buy animals for my newest barn: 


So I’m honestly not sure what is causing this. I’m wondering if the first barn is old enough that something wrong with it. I’ll have to look into it further because I couldn’t replicate the issue, at least not while trying to fix the myriad of other issues this patch spawned.

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Deleted my old + new barn +coop, so hopefully they will all work as intended when they are finish with the new building prosess.

I also deleted my old trees, and i discovered why they show with fruits on at all time when in season. There is actually 2 trees on top of eachother. 1 is harvestable and 1 is not. So when i was chopping down the tree - a new tree was there with fruits i could pick. I chopped them all down to make sure there wouldnt be further trouble.


Thanks for taking the hit on that. I appreciate that sort of thing and I know the stuff you just sacrificed isn’t cheap so I’m sorry about that. Let me know about the new barn. The hotfix I put out yesterday (0.17.1) should have at least fixed the whole enter one barn, leave from a different barn problem.

The problem with some of this stuff is that there were changes to the patching system over the past couple of weeks and while new stuff is most likely fine there is probably a high chance I missed something that didn’t cover all the bases from old buildings or trees. For instance, that tree thing, I can vaguely remember an issue where multiple trees would spawn on top of each other. No idea what patch I addressed it in however.

Hopefully these issues steadily disappear as the patching system gets to a stable state and I don’t have to modify it any further. I apologize because I know that isn’t really a good answer to bugs but I suppose that’s why its a free alpha at the moment. Thanks again for checking into these things, it’s always appreciated. Small consolation, you are likely saving other players lots of heartache by finding this stuff yourself.

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My new barns are now up, and i can once again add animals to both of them. And enter/exit them both in correct manner :)

I havent tryed to move them tho - to check if i get same bug when adding new animals. I need a couple of days just relaxing after raiding the mines for all that ore,  and getting all that wood.  :)

And np. Its Alpha :)

1 question tho: Any eta when Clay will be added?

My only thing left in this game to do atm is fishing. The unfinished fishing Perk, and the skillup screams at me. But i my head and hands just dont want to coordinate that fast. I tryed it again today.  No luck of catching any fish, and so demotivated about it, that  I am just gone take a few days off.  I also read that you are planning to add more minigames like you have for the fishing. Personally i think you limit your game to players that are young and quick, but its your game offcourse. So you do as you want :)


Good to hear, I’d suggest for moving your barn that you wait for a day where you can move it and add animals all in one day. That way if something goes wrong you can just quit before the day ends to revert your save.

Clay is in the game, dig anywhere in the mines to get it. That should probably be telegraphed better honestly.

Also yeah, fishing still needs to be refined. I’m holding off on modifying it because when the fishing character gets added I may be adding items to make it easier. Since its all a bit up in the air I don’t want to adjust things just yet.

As for minigames yeah, no worries. The minigames I have in mind for future things aren’t reflex intensive. Fishing is really the only thing like that. And fishing is mostly hard just because its such an easy way to make money if you constantly succeed. But don’t worry, archaeology, for instance, will have a minigame associated with it, but its more of a puzzle that you have infinite time to figure out.

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Glad to hear the other minigames arent focused on reflexes :)

I just hope you dont add more quests that involve fishing or fishing dishes before that npc arrives.

Thought i had tryed to dig everywhere for clay - mines included. Must just been unlucky then. Then there suddenly are lots for me to do in game still. :) Thank you for info where to get it.