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(2 edits) (+1)

Aww, thanks :') Super glad you liked the bois. It's good that the option of choice paid off !! This was the first time I ever made something with multiple legit love interests and I was afraid it would come across as unbalanced. But went for it!!! 

Oh lol. You listened to Sawoooma too! If I remember right, it also says Azumi instead of Izumi. It's a treat tbh.


I'll admit, I did crank the point system a little too far, leaving almost no margin of error like I usually do. That's probably why you got the stabbity stab one that often . Woop sorry haha.

Also Oops(2). Everyone's hating on Izumi for that ending... I guess in retrospect that does a leave a horrible taste in ones mouth knowing he's capable of that... But  I mean at least he didn't burn the place down(?) Maybe Souma should've done something horrible too haha.

I'll end by thanking you again for taking the time to review!!Also for playing my other games and the consistent support :')

Thanks for responding and creating these amazing games!!!

Hahaha Souma is good where he is I don't want a reason to hate him lol