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(1 edit)

Ho ho ho...I managed to fall into the pit of the bathroom, and whoever figures out how I did it gets a prize, but first I want to say something quick about the characters.

So, pretty much all of the characters in AEWVS (besides the direct allies) just harm you in some way and have a strategy for avoiding them. And that's except Mr. Cleany-Clean. Now when the game was in it's early stages and still extracting the basics from Baldi's, you had that, and mystman12 said in contrast that none of the characters should be able to end the game except for Baldi, and a whole 5 of the characters in BBIEAL are actually useful if you use them in the right circumstances as opposed to the measly...(checks wiki) *inhale* one.

That makes Mr. Cleany-Clean a very out-of-place character. He is the one useful character where you can use him to carry you wherever you want - and now that I think about it - you might be able to STEER HIM BY THROWING ITEMS. Never tried that before but it's a revolutionary idea at this point. And I just figured out how to master the GM (though I went to the bathroom and couldn't clean it), so I'm getting around to some good stuff. Anyway, that's that along with all of the characters being disproportionately progressively high-quality. Now, we can't get rid of Cleany at this point because obviously it would make no sense and ruin a lot, but I thought I should point that out in case you want to make another character that pushes people in a direction where smart people can choose if it's the right or wrong one. Three out of five of the ones in BBIEAL push you, though, so yeah.

(EDIT: Turns out that it doesn't actually get you very far if you try to throw an item behind Cleany to make him turn around. But throwing items doesn't count as littering, so that's a handy new exploit anyways!)

And now back to the bathroom!

Whoever figures out how I managed to do it gets a PRIZE!!! This one should be significantly easier than the other contest I did which nobody entered yet, and the prize is the same, so getting it will be much easier

This is the language level, right? I think you glitched out of bounds.

No, keep trying.

lel u failur xd