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(2 edits) (+3)

Hi, I played every routes and omg I was so sad each time I saw one of the guy's death... (sorry I'm not english so I m bad at writting ) It s a beautiful game and I hope there will be a route for Blace, Kaichi,Jace,Chain and Roya and of course Liojiiii, they all are sooooo cute uwu 

and a story with the prologue's child of course x) 

And, Will there be a way to save guys of other route when we see them taken by death or by Chain ?



That's the tragedic side of the story, but there are routes where no one dies depending on your choices. In some routes deaths are unpreventable. Then there are endings that decide the character's fate.

I'm glad you like the side characters as much! I gave them active roles rather than accessoires for the main ones.