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Hi! First off, I'd like to say that I love this game so far and am very excited to see where it goes in the future! But I seem to have found a bug. On a new game, I played through until just after the scene where the power goes out and you get the employee key, then I accidentally closed the game. The last time I saved was before the power outage scene, so I had to do that part again. But when I went to fix the broken cord, it wasn't there. When I went to the break room for the replacement, the replacement wasn't there either, and I didn't seem to already have it in my inventory. It was like the game thought I already got the replacement when I hadn't yet. I started a new file and got back to that point again hoping that would fix it, but it still happened. I'm not sure what's going on here.


That is quite the bug! Thank you for sharing that with us. I cant even begin to think why that'd happen. May I ask, were you playing on PC or Android? Thank you again for informing us and we'll get to fixing it right away!

I was playing on PC. Also, I should correct myself, I didn't close the game on accident, I went back to the title screen on accident. Thanks for the reply!


Oh, right on! Thank you so much for clearing that up. What happened was one of the objects was set to persistent so it carried over to your new game. You had me worried when you said the game was closed out and it still happened, I was flabbergasted haha. I'm incredibly sorry that happened to you though, I'll be pushing a new update here soon that fixes it (hopefully without breaking anything in the process XS) Thanks again for your help!