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Hi . I'm restarting playing RPG with my child, and your viewer is very useful for giving them some 3D screenshots of the city, increasing the immersion of the game.

I use it with Azgaar world generator, and it works well!

Some improvment that could be made : 

- Azgaard make a connection with your site, but you've got only 3 town size options. Many times the city seems not to be big enough, or too big for the population. Maybe you could add one or two more sizes between small/medium/large ?

- On the 3D viewer, the castles always seems very very high

- I read that you're working on generation on non-flat ground : great idea:-D

You're work on both your city generator and 3D viewer is amazing, hope you'll go on!




  • In the non-itch version of the generator you can specify the size of the city more precisely using the URL parameter "size". This way it's also possible to generate smaller and larger cities than they normally are (example).
  • The larger the city, the higher its castle. It's done on purpose to make them more visible and more "fairy-tale". Ideally it should be customizable and probably one day it will be.

Thanks! Knowing that, I have re-tested Azgaar's link to your generator : it take population/1000 as a size parameter. I think it's not enough. For example, for a city of 6387 inhabitants, the result is here : .... i think it may be a little overcrowded :-D. I contact Azgaar for explaining him what's seems to be wrong.