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wow. what a ride. really, really beautiful stuff.

absolutely loved the spectrum of clear goals to ambiguity. heterogeneity is something i value, especially when it's all idiosyncratic. i felt different for each section, from peace to confusion to happiness to solidarity. 

i thought it was fitting that i ended on gabriel's, which in itself contained multiple perspectives, each different. i love the humanity of that aspect, especially when transitioning into the last segment, with the conversation scrolling in the background.

every time i finished a planet, i was excited to go to the next one. i'm glad they were all succinct so i could experience them in one sitting. this is definitely a game to return to maybe once a year or so.

i'm going bed now, i hope this permeates my dreams, and my future.

Comments like this make it all worth it for us. Thank you for playing, and sweet dreams :)