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As I already said, I'm glad to have played this game. Thanks for making a Linux version! The Linux gaming community is glad... really! Great art, plot and a powerful heroine. 

I got the best ending even after saying something rude to him. It was nice to relate to a strong character compared to other visual novel-dating sim protagonists.

I hope you make many more games in the future!


Thank you so much! I'm incredibly happy you enjoyed the game and took the time to leave this heartwarming review ♡(‘∀’ /) It's amazing to hear that you enjoyed relating with Junia and see her as a strong character.

personally if I were in her shoes I would probably also say something rude to Owen

It's also awesome to hear you enjoyed playing through the Linux version. While Linux editions tend to receive fewer downloads than Windows or Mac equivalents, we think it's important to make games accessible where possible.

Again, thank you so much for your feedback! <3