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I originally wanted to release this on Valentine's day, but I had other things come up and ended up forgetting about it until now lol.

Anyways, I LOVED this so much and really had such a fun time playing it!!! It's not terrible and I will fight anyone that says otherwise.

***SPOILER*** I really liked how the questions played out in the end. I thought I was screwed and I'd have to play through it again to get a different ending (who knows, there might be more than one, but I haven't had a chance to play it again outside of recording), but how it went back and gave me a second chance at the questions I flubbed up on was so unexpected and made me so giddy.

Rarykos (I believe you're the sole developer), you are so flipping amazing and I love you for making this game cuz it really brightened up my day afterwards, despite the kind of sad/happy ending. Don't stop making games like these and have some faith in your own abilities! :D