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Unfortunately it's not, it was a browser based MMO, the players all build RTS styled bases independently in a vast desert, and could attack each other, or the monsters in the environment.

It also had golems, with red facial markings, which had some lore behind them, and occasionally dropped their head, or specific parts of them, I cannot remember, as a rare drop called a reborn golem (a head with the red rune on it which in the description it said was sort of like a baby, kind of like a phoenix if I recall correctly) similar to how we build golems in your game, although in theirs it was only a quest item with a description that expanded on the lore.

There were also sentinels, which were strange orb like machines, that floated around, and seemed to be powered by the blue crystals in the games lore, as they had glowing blue lights, similar to the ones you have near the wild/overgrown golems.

Further out in the farthest reaches of the (populated section of the) map, there were shadows, which remind me of wraiths, they were the most end game monster, similar to the wraiths in your game)

Just stuff like that, little slightly generic things that just coincidentally match up a little.

They did not have units in the game yet, but they had said that was planned.