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Wow, thanks for the great feedback!

I'm still not sure which setup I prefer for the rope control. But I think it would be maybe best to leave it to the player and include an option to switch it from HOLD DOWN to TOGGLE.

The displayed controls were actually a bug, but I could check if it is the players first run and display the controls if it is the first run.
But, if I will continue the development I would change the whole approach to a tutorial based first level without a rope and put the rope as an unlock so the player has time to get used to the basic controls.

Jumping with W is a bit problematic as:
- Up on the joypad is easily "pressed" by accident and it's the same mapping.
- W is also used to go up the rope when attached so thats a problem if you want to let go by pressing jump or having the current controls.

Sticking flares is a good idea and not to hard to implement :)

About shooting the end and the start separately: funny that you mention it, it was like this before release, but it has a lot of problems:

- shooting around a corner can produce weird results for the rope
- It makes it almost too easy, you can shoot any rope setup you like

But anyway, if the game is continued I want to include more unlocks for the rope launcher, having start and end separately launched could be an upgrade, just like shooting while jumping (to create a swing rope)

Thanks again for the feedback!
