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Hey man, let me just tell you that what you are doing is awesome. Trying to help people in quarantine pass the time by making your games free is absolutely phenomenal. I got like all your games and Im really excited to see what they are like( they look stunning from the screenshots).

(Oh and I paid one dollar for 0'N 0'W to help you out a little... its not that much, but Im tryna save up money as I wanna have some money for when I graduate high school).

Aight thats about it. Good luck colorfiction in your future as a developer and take care :)) 


Thanks so much and glad you've been enjoying the games / staying safe during this difficult situation!! While I really appreciate the donation <3 please, please save up for when you're done with highschool, you're going to need everything you can save up for trade school/ college / starting something up :) Best of luck finishing up your studies!


Aww thanks man :)