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Thank you for the review,

The middle tactic is a viable one i noticed when playing however i did add other enemies to prevent that or atleast make it more difficult however it still requires tweeking and editing.

I did want the effect of having to keep an eye on both the game and the ball but i also agree that sometimes one gets in the way of the other or it can be overwhelming especially with the boss fights. Ideally the type of game i made would be better without the balance mechanic but with little issues like that out of the way i dont think it was too bad in that regard

Sound effects and music as a whole as well as menu options wasnt a strong suit for the game since i threw them together in the last half hour of the jam. i was meant to have a teammate for the sound design and music making but her monitor broke so she was unable to participate in the jam, which is why the sounds were very poor quality and not as impactful as they should have been, especially since sound and music isnt a strength of mine

The menu problems i knew of but was never able to fix due to time constraints however low key was hoping no one would notice XD

Now the two at the same time bug is an interesting one since i didnt even think that was possible but once again the simple change would have solved that and the previous issue.

and finally, the third enemy could have been made more difficult by having the firerate increased or by having that be the secondary enemy i agree. luckily however if you love more challenging enemies, that are around 8 in total and 4 bosses however unlocking them is a pain in itself and honestly i feel is another weakpoint since due to lack of time i wasnt able to add the various level spawning presets or balance the game better in terms of difficulty, getting the bosses working was a miracle in its own right since that edit was after the submission which KB was nice enough to let me do since it was only 3 lines of code that broke it

I dont plan on going back to this project after the jam however i do plan on taking what i have learnt from the experience and making games of an even higher quality without the time constraints in effect.

Thank you for your in depth review and i appreciate the criticisms they held. :)