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Perhaps my favorite indie game of all time, or at least top five material. This game is just an outstanding work of art. It's both horrifying, atmosheric, beautiful, and meaningful. Great job to the developers, as in the span of twenty minutes of gameplay, you made me feel such a variety of emotions. I really liked the graphic style as well. And if you feel bad about a comment or two about your games (or artwork in general), please change that. You could make the perfect game, and people would still bash it. It sucks either way, I know, but there's no need to worry about that when your game is able to touch many other peoples' hearts on such a deep level (and/or scare them lol). So what if it doesn't click for a few others? Great job guys, keep creating, and keep improving :)


Wow, ad80alien, this is high praise! I really just made this game in my uni bedroom with the help of a few friends so I'm really flattered to know you appreciate the game so much! You are totally right about feedback and such haha, I guess in a way this game was a part of me coming to terms with that. 

P.S. ... I thought I recognised your username! I remember seeing The Pomeranian on itch a while back and I have to say, a playthrough that I watched of it really made me laugh haha. You know, there are two frontiers of games development that I think are particularly challenging and quite unexplored... games that make you laugh and games that are sensitive to romance. The Pomeranian may have been short but it was really cute and funny for what it was, which is so hard to do! Games are uniquely troublesome when it comes to comedy... and it's refreshing that devs like you are pushing and pulling at it. 

Just followed you, hope to see more games from you soon, whatever it is that you make! <3


I appreciate that so much! Honeslty, The Pomeranian was just a weird idea that I decided to push out over the span of a weekend. Despite what many might think though, it did take many many hurs of just sitting on my computer to finally complete. I am happy that you were able to get a good laugh out of it. I am also gald you were able to come to terms with negative feedback too by the way, as it is a hard thing to do. It's within human nature to think longer upon that one negative comment you had, rather than that one nice comment you had. And games like yours seem to really push for creative and new ideas/topics. Your game is unlike anything I have ever played on this site, and I have played a lot of games on here. I know I'm just basically repeating my initial comment here, but you and your friends achieved something great. I appreciate the follow too, as I am in the process of making another game ;). Unlike the other, I plan for this one to be just pure horror, rather than horror-parody. Whether it turns out to be scary, or not, I hope you enjoy it, as I'm honestly honored to have you as one of my followers. Once again, keep creating, and keep improving Michael!