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(1 edit)

Same here, after I download, extract and run the new app file it says: "The application “soko loco” can’t be opened." I'm running macOS 10.15.4. Let me know if I you need more debug info.

Hmm, it appears I can't open it on Catalina after I download it again either. Seems like this is an issue with Game Maker: Studio 2 on OSX. You can get around it using Terminal here:

Unfortunately there's not a lot more I can do!

Too bad, that doesn't do the trick. And I'm not seeing that "Damaged" message, but "The application soko loco can't be opened.". I'll keep looking/trying :-(

I did have someone report the work-around working. But if you don't want to go through that trouble and still really want to play, the game is still also on sale on Steam, and it definitely works there.

That is a good idea, I'll get it there!

Steam version works like a charm, what a great game!

Thank you! This version should be fixed now as well, sorry for the wait!