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Fatal error after trying to find a way to progress past end of tunnel without just walking past soldiers after freeing servant,  reloading and trying to fight soldiers, then reloading to try my first choice again. Also, servant clips through floor and doubles as they walk out of cave.

May just be nitpicking, but button layout is very taxing on the brain for those who're used to both types of ABXY control schemes (Nintendo and Xbox) as having X and A switched from the Xbox scheme makes combat ridiculously hard due to constantly hitting the wrong button. I don't know if the issue is coded into the software, or merely a minor oversight, but, unless it's been done on purpose, if it's able to be altered, I believe doing so may help the experience in the long run. I played on mobile, as I don't currently have access to a decent PC, so I don't know how the controls function on that version, but I thought I'd just give some input.

I hope this project goes well, as the art is nice, and I'm curious how things will pan out in future, so I wish you well in your continued endeavors.

Thank you for your comment and good wishes!

 Not sure if those bugs still exists, since the version I'm currently working on has lot of changes in that area and cutscene system, but if problem persists in the next update, I'll fix it.

 About mobile controls, button layouts are easily changable and I'll see what I can do. I didn't knew about that issue, thanks for bringing it to my attention. Also I compeletely changed combat controls for mobile, it should be much more enjoyable in the next update, which is mostly done.