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This is awesome!! SO MUCH CONTENT!!! 4 playable character AND two levels AND two enemies that get harder and harder to beat over time wil two little boss rush levels! 

Its really cute! I of course tried them all (ghostie op) but doggo is the CUTEST for sure! :3

if I HAD to critique something, I would say the story was quite long and didn't really help me with the context of what the gameplay was, but as you mentioned it seems to be an ongoing story? so that is awesome for your previous players! :D

I really had the urge to fly omnidirectionally the whole time, especially to fly backwards to grab a spirit orb that I couldnt have possibly reached cause of a burning swinging thing in the way when I passed under it.

Great job! 


Thank you very much! I really appreciate your kind words. :)

You're totally right on the story part. To be honest, it wasn't supposed to be a giant text dump, I wanted it to be more like comic panels/pages with drawings and dialogue. But, I way over-scoped and something had to get cut. Maybe I'll go back and clean that up if I have some time. Even players who've kept up with this "series" would probably find that text dump embarrassing.

Your comments about full movement range got me thinking too. I was initially very locked into the idea of a "chase", but the gameplay became more about collecting energy. Maybe I'll give it an update with full movement to see how that feels. Touching the faerie will cause large damage, so players don't just camp it for orbs, haha.

Really good feedback, thank you! I hope to incorporate it into an update, time willing.


Thanks again for your feedback! I've updated the game based off your comments, as well as Thoof's. Details on the devlog, or check out the game again if you are interested!