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Name: Flora

    She died when she was camping with her friends, the friend group was messing around in the forest, when a rock slide started. Her friends tried to save her when she tripped on a rock, but it was to late, the rocks ended up crushing Flora ( then known as Harper ) and they couldn't find her  , leaving her to die. Many months later, after a harsh freeze over the fall and winter, spring came, and some how, some way, flowers grew out of her body, reanimating her. 

    When she came back to life she spent a day laying under the rocks looking at the sun threw the small holes in the rocks waiting for nothing but her self. When the night came she got up and looked around the forest, she walked as far as she could, she ended up in the outskirts of a town. When she was walking in the empty streets of the town when a car pulled up next to her. 

    The window rolled down and she saw a familiar face. " Harper? " One of her friend's voices said. " You look and sound familiar but, who are you " 

( sorry to leave you guys on You On Kazoo Kid but I'm a tired bean I might update if I fell like it or wanna write how she got her new name )

Flora looks amazing!! ^^

(1 edit)

i love how the details are kept to a minimum, but all the plant life fits in perfectly! great job, dude!

can i draw her? ^^

Thank you and of course you can! :> ^^