So, I just played through the update and overall, I enjoyed it! Always great to see more Mac! But I just have a couple of thoughts:
1) This is really minor, all things considered, and maybe this is just me, but I've never heard of a college/university with such a relaxed dress code having policies against hair dye. Also, considering how much variability there can be for hair/fur patterns and colors between species, having specific policies against hair dying doesn't really seem viable, at least to me.
2) Now for a somewhat bigger issue. This is a problem I've seen in more than a few games lately, but - in the U.S., at least - there are very explicit regulations on what teachers are and are not allowed to do to and with students, including and especially at the college level. What Cole does towards the end of this update would never fly in a legitimate college; Cole not only harassed Jayce, but, by the LEGAL definition, physically and verbally assaulted him as well. Whether it's at a low-end community college or a school as high end as it's implied the characters are going to, there's no way the administration would just allow a teacher to do something like that without repercussion, especially considering the implication by Zale that this is neither the FIRST time Cole has done something like this, nor the most violent act he's committed against a student.
I wouldn't usually bring this sort of thing up because these sort of games are meant to be played with some suspension-of-disbelief (for obvious reasons), but lately, in more than a few games set in a college or university, I've been seeing this trend of teachers being allowed to get away with things that, at best, are extremely suspect, and at worst, should get them arrested. In the end, it's not really something to get that upset over, given these are fictional characters in fictional worlds, but seeing this sort of thing appearing more and more in games and being presented like it's something normal or common just gets to me...
tl;dr - I don't really understand the university's apparent policy against hair dye based on its rather lenient dress code. Also, Cole literally assaulted Jayce on screen and is implied to have not only done similar things to students in the past, but done them rather frequently.
Okay, I've ranted enough for one update; just felt I needed to bring these things up...