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Huh. That's a new one. That shouldn't be happening, I can assure you. Did you download an update to the game after creating the file, by any chance? That may have screwed something up if so, but otherwise I'm at a loss for why that's happening. You may have to edit your position in the game's save data to get back outside.

First, close the game. Go into your local appdata and look for the game's file. It may either be labelled "Polymute" or "Transmute_Deluxe2". When you find it, open it up and go into the "Options.ini" file. Look for the setting labelled "Respawn."
Once you find it, set the x value to 2464 and the y value to 1176. Save and close the file, and then run the game. You should then be back outside the spire.

Sorry about having to give you a back-end solution, but I'll see if I can find out why that's happened.

Ok, thank you I'll try that!


Yeah, I'm out now.