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When you start out, you have max time (60sec, green font) and min coins (0, red font).  When you lose half your time, the timer font switches from green to black. When the timer gets close to zero, it turns red.   As you gain coins, the font goes from red to black. When you get halfway to the target number of coins, it goes from black to green, indicating you are halfway there.  In this case, when you get more than 25 coins, it turns green indicating you need 50 to win.

As I typed this out, I can see that clearly this is WAY too subtle for a timed game where you are laser-focused on the play-area, and not the score/time stuck in the top left of the screen. whoops!  This is the great thing about gamejams to help hammer in concepts like this.  I've already got some ideas on making this clearer in the post-jam update.

Thanks again for playing and for the feedback!