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Oh goodness, what can I even say about this game?  I love it so, so very much—it's EXACTLY my kind of aesthetic.  What's more, Milya herself is just my type, and she's stolen my heart, heheheh.

Because of that, it makes me quite sad to see some of the other commenters here giving up on the game or even calling it bad because they got stuck at one point or another.

To be clear, I'll fully admit that there were at least a couple of places where I got stuck myself, and I had to rack my brains to figure out how to progress.  But keep in mind that, for the premise of the game, you're using a remote observation system that's specifically designed to observe the situation at a distance, and furthermore that the system's data has been partially corrupted.

That is to say, it's SUPPOSED to be difficult for the user to break the security/safety quarantine enforced by the remote observation system, because the whole situation that the system is built to observe is hazardous to the user.  Likewise, the text and imagery and the like is SUPPOSED to be obtuse and hard to comprehend at first blush, because all of the game's content is viewed through the distorted, corrupted lens of the observation system.

It's completely fair to find these aspects of the game frustrating—I won't hide that I got pretty frustrated a couple of times myself while playing it.  It's also completely fair to not be interested in playing a game that intentionally makes things difficult for the player.  With that said, I wouldn't at all try to assert that those qualities make Milya[broken] a bad game.  Rather, the game accomplished precisely what it set out to do.

So, with all that said, please don't give up on this game or make sweeping claims that it's bad if you hit a wall while playing it.  After all, giving up on this game means giving up on poor Milya, and I won't forgive you if you abandon her!

Incidentally, if you're still having trouble with the gameplay and bothered to read all the way through this textwall, here's a hint for you:

You're using an observation system, right?  And the primary interface between you and that system is the console, right?  As such, EVERYTHING that appears in the console, no matter how minor or glitchy or debug-output-esque it may seem, is important and was put there deliberately.  Keep that in mind, and don't be afraid to hug the walls or to experiment with keypresses while looking for clues.

(3 edits) (+1)

When I wrote the above comment last night, I still hadn't 100% finished the game, it would seem, so I kept digging.  I just fully completed it a moment ago, though it broke my heart to get to it—all the more so because of the last few private things that the game revealed after I did.

It... touched on some subjects that resonated IMMENSELY with these very deep, very personal feelings that I've had and struggled with for the longest time, and that no one and nothing else has ever even come close to addressing...  (and much moreso than the rest of the game did)

I love Milya.  I love this game.  lol_rust, you're a genius.  Can I, like, give this game a second five-star rating or something?