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i mean like seriously im only below game limit so what i admit im annoying but my friends came to realize its just who i am and they say im a great person so im sorry for whatever i have done so tell me what i did wrong i am untildawn and i just want to talk


You're spamming my comment section with game dev related questions, using alt accounts and not listening to my previous comment about not to ask me game dev questions. I'm not your tutor, please consult the internet for tutorials and other information.

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yea its just i love your art style and im very sorry and i know your not my tutor but i really like how you make them and you inspire so much i want to use your type of code and whenever i learn all the credit goes to you so sorry and i also want to become a patreon to support you :(

I also did not read your previous comment because i was out at the time and found out i was banned from comment section

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can you forgive me? :( and also I've played all your games but i can't get the hang of how you make them, i'm used to simple code like scratch so thats why i asked you


Yeah, I understand man. But there ain’t much I can tell you, mostly cause I like keep my code a secret, lol. But I’m sure you can find plenty of tutorials online for modeling Low Poly in Blender. And for code, you could probably look up UE4 horror tutorials on YouTube. Again, sorry if I can’t help you out, just keep in mind we all wanna chill in the comments, just try to keep the game dev questions to a minimum, lol.


just asking how did you learn because im intrested


I pretty much just started looking up tutorials on Youtube for 3D modeling in Blender and horror game tutorials and just started to build up from there, lol.


also could you help with when i launch UE4 it glitches and says theres missing files


Dunno, I ain't an expert with the technicalities of UE4. Might want to contact Epic Support for that one or Google it.


hey what video did you watch for blender modeling?

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could i stay in touch with you because your games freak out on me, sorry man

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you're good at making games

I ain't really one to keep in contact with folks unless I personally know them, just usually how me and my team roll, haha. Best advice I can give you before you set off on your grand adventure into the world of game development is to stick around in the Unreal Engine forums and/or Discord server. The folks there are usually really helpful, so I'd recommend checking it out. Good luck man, and off I go for the night.


hey wait could i join your team


Dave can you tell me a video i should watch about low poly tutorials so i can get your art style in my games


ummmm......dave blender or unreal engine

Deleted 1 year ago