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Oh dear, what a feedback, guys!

You'd probably been playing FallNation for more than a while... and we can't be happier! Thanks a lot, we really appreciate it. 

We know there is still much work to do in order to create the perfect solitude sensation for a soldier, but we also wanna create that pretty cool feeling when you face the enemy with your mates, your honest soldiers ready to die for you. There's a certain enemy we all need to face in FallNation, but not all the population is ready to help us. Yeah, we are talking about factions. Do not worry at this moment. They will eventually appear in the middle of the worldmap and you will need to face them too.

By the way! This is the first step of a huge proccess in order to create the best gameplay for FallNation and do not hesitate that we gonna make it with the help of your feedback.
