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I talked to the man with the head, crossed the street to the sign and picked up the ball. However, there didn't seem to be anything else to interact with or go to in order to find my human. Regarding the art, I like how the characters are white and the environment is yellow. Some sound would be a nice addition, like a woof sfx.

You need to talk again with the same man after you pick up the ball. There's also a little easter egg for the curious people who try to go up to the sky in a certain spot. Hopefully you can play again to get the ending. Out of curiosity: did you die any time trying to cross the street?

I'm glad you liked my color palette! The music for the game was almost ready, but I didn't want to be late for the jam, I'll update it soon. 

Thank you for your comment!


Oh okay, now I got the ending. I crossed the street multiple times without dying. However, when you're on the bottom of the screen and walk to the left you still get run over. Isn't that area part of the sidewalk?

Oh it was on purpose, for a perspective matter. But I get how can it be misleading, I'll fix it on the update. Thank you!