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Hi, I tried to download the Mac version but all it did was lead me to some music files. I know it's not tested, but it does really bother me since this game looks absolutely OUTSTANDING. Please try to fix this as soon as you can.

Thanks in advance :).

Hi xChiriu!

We are very sorry to hear that the Mac version isn't working. As of now, we are making an update version that could be played on both Mac and Window; hopefully it might work on your computer then.

Thank you in advance for your patience. The update might be on in one or two days, and we will make sure to notify you immediately when it's on!

Thank you for being so sweet about the issues-- Somehow makes the game that much better. It's no problem. I'll be looking forward to the time it's updated!

Hi xChiriu!

We have uploaded the new update. Hopefully this time it will work ;-;

Thank you for your patience! We hope you will have a good time with the demo!