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Wow, this looks really cool, it's nice to see the Army Men games finally getting some love after all this time.  I played "Toys in Space" a lot as a kid, and I had a real fun time beating Air Tactics as well.  One thing that might be really cool in a future update would be to find a way to implement an option for real time ray-tracing to make the ingame graphics more closely resemble the cutscenes from the Army Men games.  Additionally, optional higher poly models for the plastic soldiers and vehicles would be a nice touch for people with higher end PCs to more accurately recreate the aesthetic of the original games.  Keep up the good work guys, I can't wait to see what's in store for the future :)

Awesome, i'm so glad you love the game :3

Yes, the game will get huge graphic/visual update in next update '3.0' with Army Men Cutscene in mind as inspiration

Stay tune for future update :)