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(4 edits)

I'm playing with a keyboard and I'm not comfortable with the default controls. How do I change the controls on the menu? I can't assign any new keys for any actions, no matter how many keys I press, it just doesn't register somehow. I've noticed that when I hit F I cancel the change and go back, but that's about it. Is there a key that confirms assigning a specific key to a specific action?

EDIT: Since there isn't a manual or any instructions on the description, I have to ask here in the comments.

Hello! Sorry if its confusing!  At the top when you have "Controls Type" selected, you can press right or left to switch between controller/keyboard layouts, keyboard cant add changes to controller layout and controller cant add changes to the keyboard layout.

Oh shoot, I hadn't noticed the "controls type" at the top. Thx for the help.