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Hello there, yeah, a Linux version is clearly coming. 

Should have been here together with the Windows version, but some technical issues got us behind schedule and we didn't want to postpone the Windows demo (already postponed too many times).

So yeah, it's on its way, should be around end of next week.

The development status:

- Prologue area + working on first chapter of 5 (quest and interactions design)

- story and overall quest layout set

- Areas are done for 3 out of 5 chapters

- Working on some dungeons for chapter 3 and 4 atm (level design)

- around 80% of the systems are done, even if some don't show in the demo, since they're working on a version 1.0 of the UI (the demo is on version 5.0) and we're updating the whole UI so we chose to not release them

Can't really give any indication of progress in the coming months, with the current world chaos, but we might actually progress faster than expected since we're stuck home anyway :)