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It would be really good if Tea for God could also include some of the features of  Unseen Diplomacy, like:

- Dodging stuff like lasers, swinging axes or other stuff

- Small puzzles

- Unscrewing airvents


I think those would work really well with the setup of Tea for God!

The traps are coming :) Same as machines that you will have to operate to unlock stuff. Although I do not want to have an mandatory puzzles.

I'd like to add some extra devices that can be used to access specific objects. I haven't thought about a screwdriver and now you mention it - if you have robotic hands, you could have a screwdriver hidden in one of your fingers. "Go go gadget screwdriver" style.

This sounds awesome! I've donated another 10$ :-)

Thank you :) While I want to work on the machines first and make most of the machines not require any extra device, I giggle every time I think about fingers with screwdrivers or some other devices, like some electric discharge device that can be used for both puzzles and to annoy robots ;)