A really enjoyable game with a few little jumpscares thrown in for good measure, the story builds up nicely along with some tension and the mannequin is quite terrifying.
The asthetics are nice and really give it that old house feel like the boarded up windows and the spider webs everywhere and also scattered objects like boxes,letters and newspapers along with the atmospheric music when it takes the front room back to its original state.
In my playthrough i think i missed the mark when it comes to the story but it was still fun regardless, the flashlight did not illuminate well but it was not a big issue as you can still maneuver up and down the house well enough.
I cannot wait to hear the voice overs when they come out , it will be interesting to see how that plays in , maybe there could even be some dialogue as your character pieces the puzzle all together to find out what actually happened and end the end it is summarised incase the player misses it.