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(2 edits)

Two questions, please:

1. Is "Highriser" the name of the publisher (like Software Projects Ltd. used to be) or rather the author's nickname?

2. Information on the web states that the original VIC-20 game had 33 screens. This version has 32. Is one screen missing or is there some confusion (like the title screen was counted for the VIC-20 one, or something)?

1) I use the nickname 'Highrise' - this wasn't available on so I used Highriser - but it's just my personal nickname.
2) The original Vic game has 32 screens. The listing of 33 in the advertising was either a mistake, or they advertised it as having 33 and just ran out of space, I'm not sure which.


by the way, the game is written using a reverse engineering version of the Manic Miner engine which is modified to use the different sized screens.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your reply.

thanks. I am now also updating the downloadable zip file here to include 'Manic Miner Presto' which is a variant of Manic Miner that runs faster.