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This was delightfully, devilishly, despairingly odd! In the best possible way, of course.

I find that the horror games that get me the most are the suggestive ones, the ones that build up tension in the background a little bit at a time until your brain just can't stand it anymore and you just want to wake up. Then you realise that you can't do that because you're already awake.

Which is ironic, since this game seems to specifically be about dreams and the strangeness we can encounter within our own minds after we fall asleep. And I'd say this game does a pretty good job of inducing the kind of paralysing fear we experience when we're stuck in a nightmare we can't get out of.

Awesome work, Jan, keep it up! And if any of you are looking for a strange out-of-body gaming experience that'll eat up 15 minutes, this is your best bet!