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You really don't have 116kb on your disk? xD
That's not the problem...

If someone looks at your profile, they can see that you are a leecher who is dedicated only to downloading free games and instead of thanking the developers who give their work away, you waste your time telling them that they are not doing it well enough because they should also give it to you in your terms. So you can show in your profile how much you help to developers and how good supporter you are...

You are not even planning to help by donating a miser dollar... People like you are the ones who spoil this community, luckily you are an exception, but it really makes me very sad that everything you have to give to those who invest their time in this to give it to you for free is a complain.


or you just don't have enough money to buy games. i would donate to these devs if i had the money. im literally broke, so i stalk the free page. why are you so mad at the fact that some people can't afford light up keyboards and 2 monitors. plus its NOT THAT SERIOUS. 


You really don't undertand my messages at all... I'm not mad about anybody to stalk the free games, I do it too! But what I don't do is rebuke whoever gives away their games, or score them with a star to harm them... That is being crazy, friend.

I'm not demanding anybody to donate, I'm giving my games for free! You really can't see this?

Seems that you are the same user that after blocked your account, has created a new account to keep trolling devs... what a shame... This will be my last answer for you. You better keep playing those free games and don't bother people anymore, PLEASE.

im not that troller guy, i just made an account today! i just see multiple people who act the way you act in comments and got fed up. sorry for any inconvenience!! xoxo