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My next game is a panoramic-interface puzzle/adventure game, set in a sprawling and diverse set of over a dozen worlds, all created with detailed O-scale miniature art [digitally extended] and explorable in first person view. The cost of development's climbed above $1000, much of it miniature supplies for scratchbuilding. It will be released on Steam and Itch.IO. 


Miniature Multiverse.

It's on my profile here.

I also have a sale running on my profile, with a ton of stock media asset packs for gamedevs, which include a vast volume of textures, 3d assets, and video elements. You can buy all the asset packs plus a preorder of the game 'Miniature Multiverse' and all future updates to those asset packs, for just under a dollar right now. 

Cant wait! seems like an epic experience!