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I want to thank you again for rating my game so detailed :D. As in return, I've played your game and decided to give the same detailed format review

  • Overall

I feel like this game could be a big game. Maybe if you keep continue on the game it can become a great game! I'm gonna give this 9.1 / 10 

  • Game Design

Overall amazing, the story is simple, yet the jokes makes sense and very funny xD

  • Graphics

The hand-drawn arts are lovely. The animation is smooth. And the ui is clean

  • Audio

The volume is very well balanced. The sound fits the game, although more sfx will make the game better.

  • Mood

The mood is lovely as well. I won't put much spoiler in this, but if you guys play the game, you'll feel it too! :D

  • Theme

In this part i also want to avoid spoiling the game. But the theme implementation is UNEXPECTED! 10/10 here.


Found out some bugs. That i may or may not have been abused xD

Thank you!