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Hi! Sorry about that, would you give us a few more details about your computers? We would like to look into this issue! 
In the meantime please make sure you've tried restarting the game, restarting your PC, and updating your video card drivers ^^


I have a windows 10 home computer, I'm the admin on it.
Meanwhile I've rebooted my computer.

I've updated the video card drivers

It's still the same situation, I press new game and the game stops. No running processes too.

Is there a crash log somewhere I can read and/or send?


Hi! The game looks really promising, but unfortunately I have the same issue as the previous posters. As soon as I press New Game the window just closes, and nothing else happens. Have tried everything you suggested, the issue persists. I have Win 7 64 bit, GeForce GTX 750 Ti graphics card, all drivers up to date.

Sorry for the late reply! This should be fixed in the current version (1.0.2)

Just started the game, everything works flawlessly, no crashes or lagging. Thanks for the quick fix!

Whatever you did, it fixed it, thank you!