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Amazing concept. I just finished watching alphabeta gamer play this and I really like the idea and the style is cute. If I was going to give any critisism it'd be the text at the beginning. I'm going to copy and paste a comment I left on the video:

Considering the game tells you about its mechanics in the opening title I think it'd be a lot more satisfying to let the player use that knowledge to naturally figure out what to do instead of dialogue that tells us nothing we couldn't figure out by experimenting. It's not that complicated and trail and error is better than having to skip over like ten bits of dialogue muttering 'yeah I get it'

But above all I'd love to see this made into a full game. The potential for interesting mechanics is very interesting! When changing the size of the sun changed the environment I was like 'oh this is good'

I will change the tutorial text in the future! Wasn’t really happy about it myself! Thanks for letting me know! :D

I'll echo their thoughts, I personally find it much more satisfying to learn for myself instead of having things explained to me. The main menu already teaches you the controls you'll be using so having it explained to you afterwards feels more like patronizing than teaching.


Alright! Thx for letting me know! Will change that! 😁