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(1 edit)

Thanks for your help with this. I'm pretty sure this is all fixable!

First, tell me if I understand this correctly: your old profile data is either backed up or mostly intact?

Try restoring everything but _cache.dat to the "%USERDATA%\Saved Games\Type Dreams" directory. Or, if your files are still there, deleting only that one. Like Hank suggests, in this demonstrative image:

By restoring all of those .dat files, except for _cache.dat, a seemingly-corrupt profile from an old build is repaired when Type Dreams loads it. It'll show this message:

After that, it'll say it's loading for the first time (although it obviously isn't). You'll get the character-creation screen and pick a typewriter. Then you're back in business leisure!

//::// The Crash \\::\\
I can reproduce the crash you mention by removing all of a profile's .dat files from the save directory:

This is what I'm würking on, today: stitching this glitch and then giving players the option of deleting profiles.

I hope this is helpful!

(1 edit)

ye this was very helpful!! tysm. also my old profile is still in my type dreams folder from a while back. i'll try deleting the _cache.dat and seeing if that works now!! ty for the update! ^^


So I deleted the cache file and it regenerated but crashed with the following error:

After relaunching I tried loading into the profile but it gives me the same error as the one above. Strange.. Looks like I can't get into my old profile at all aaaa