Game is awsome BUT, there should be:
1.A LOT of more levels.
2. next level option after finnishing course.
3. crosshair.
4. downloadable levels made by players.
Thank's for reading my feedback #MakeIndieGamesGreatAgain
1) There will be more levels :) (25 maps are planned for the singleplayer.)
2) a "next level" button will be added to the final release
3) already thought about adding it. I'll note that on my todo-list. :)
4) there are already downloadable levels for the game. (on the games forum: )
5) Slow-motion isn't going to be added. Mostly because i wanted the gameplay to be 100% in realtime (rewarding players with quick reflexes) and because of the upcoming multiplayer mode. (Slow-motion simply doesn't work if you play against other players in realtime.)