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Hello again.

Just to make sure. Is it a technical issue that makes Discord not work for you? If so we're happy to help you sort it out as much as we can.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand. You'll be a able to find your save files and player logs in  %appdata%

AppData\LocalLow\Jellyfish Games\Astrobase Command

The save files are in folders, that are numbered, so you'll have to figure out what save to look for if you have created new saves since.

Also, the player log gets overwritten when you start a new game, so you'll want to just have played a game session where the issues occur to have something to send to us.

Just send those to and we will have a look at it. Remember to describe the issue you're having in the email so we have an easier time tracking the bug report across the different media.

Regarding waste being a resource. Yeah, having the ability to destroy resources would be useful but it also comes with trade-offs and is something we've debated through the years. We'll take our feedback into consideration on the issue moving forward, thanks.

