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So um... I got to the point where R.A.M. is replaced by Virus (or atleast to look like them) and I tried typing out the command Togglecommand_camouflauge:OOF when I realised... The button on my keyboard for "_" isn't working, so I tried to copy and paste it from somewhere and it didn't work sooooo....

Spoilers, anyone? I liked this game and it'd be a real shame if I can't finish it, but if there's anyone out there who's reading this... Please tell me what happens later on in the game!

I can try to look into it! Renpy has had a couple updates and I'm not sure if some of the code is outdated since the game is pretty old (I kept getting an exception error whenever I tried to launch it from the renpy launcher but it ran fine from the app so I wasn't sure if there was an issue?? it was really weird) right now I'm kinda having an issue with my computer due to something that occurred last night and I gotta get the files back but I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to recover them. If I can I'll definitely look and see what's going on, although I can't make any promises at the moment.

I managed to snag the files, did you perhaps put "-" instead of "_"? I checked the game and the input works fine on my end so you may have to fix the broken "_" button yourself if it isn't working. Also, you may have to check your spelling on Togglecommand_camoflauge:OFF ;)